As much as you maintain your vehicle with regular servicing, unexpected breakdowns still occur. You may not really think about it until it actually happens, but if this occurs late at night or in the middle of a lesson you will be glad you arranged breakdown cover. Our policy has been designed with Driving Instructors in mind and includes cover to get you and your pupil home safely should a breakdown occur.
Often other breakdown policies won't cover people who have a driving occupation like Driving Instructor. If you already have cover elsewhere you may want to check your policy doesn't have this kind of exclusion. As we are a specialist provider for Driving Instructor Car insurance we have found a breakdown recovery provider that is happy to assist you, giving you peace of mind should the worst happen. You may also like to look at our Replacement Vehicle cover which can provide a temporary dual controlled car if you are unfortunate enough to have a mechanical breakdown.
Call us on 029 2062 9413 or
Enhance your protection by choosing additional covers you need for your business